Thursday, July 31, 2008


I just don't understand people. I just don't understand the life we evolve in. Everywhere I turn it seems this neverending problems and woes of life.

People seem in such a disbelief when I say: 'My life is full of problems. '

They don't seem to see through me, all these burden I am carrying. How I tried so desperately to live as normal as I can. I suppose I had been living my life in a fascade since time immemorial.

Do you know when was that? I tell you. I had been living in my cocoon since I was 5 years old. It was the best escape for me for survival. I had several other ways of escape and stop thinking that I am missing something. And now it seems catching up on me and it started since my Auntie Delang died in January 2000. Since then everything had dramatiically changed in my life.

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