Thursday, June 19, 2008

Alexander Tamowicz, Redlands Eisteddfod Vocal Solo, June 2008 - 11 to 12 yrs old

Alexander, born on 25 November 1995... throughout these years, never in our imagination - our Singing Nightingale...

The above video was a Vocal Performance on March 2008. Alexander sang "When You Wish Upon A Star". It was to perform out there to close families and friends...
The following 3 videos below were taken on 24 May 2008, during the rehearsal with the accompanist Kim.

The competition was Alexander's first time to be in it. Didn't have any idea about what's happening on this competition. It was nervy and not knowing what to expect.

Aside from the 3 videos below, Alexander also sang during the competition: Vocal Solo Pop - One Voice by Billy Gilman. He didn't get any reward but got 92% for his performance. He held back unlike the others who had actions and more of stage presence though the adjudicator Rosemary Arthas wrote: "What a great song! Love it! Great words and your singing grew on the song went on. Great! In time all the way! Good. Do you like this song? I (And the audience) want to feel you do...Good to hear a different style of singing too. Great job!"

And the Vocal Solo Musical Theatre-When You Wish Upon A Star, got 92% and HIGHLY COMMENDED AWARD, a purple ribbon... the other contenders performed like broadway musical sytle and were great! Though the adjudicator Rosemary Arthars wrote: "You break my heart everytime... When you grow up-I know you'll be a lovely man. GREAT facial expressions and lovely feelings out to us. Good boy-keep the tone even and it will grow and grow. FAB. Well done."

The actual competition was June 2-3, 2008 at Redlands Performing Arts Center in Cleveland, Queensland, Australia.

Still, a wonderful experience for Alexander... bringing the 3 trophies unexpectedly knowing all the contenders were great.

A wonderful thanks to his lovely/beautiful vocal teacher, Mrs Sophie Allen, who believed in him and decided to join him in this competition... more so her patience.

And, thanks to Kim, who initially rehearsed with him... to Peter Crane, who was the accompanist during the competition and intially gave Alexander techniques during the rehearsal...

And, thanks to adjudicator Rosemary Arthas...for her wonderful, encouraging comments...

Vocal Solo Folksong - Amazing Grace, First Place 96%

from Rosemary Arthas: "How Sweet the sound! Lovely long phrases...well done! Good strong last verse! Very moving Alexander. I thought you did a great job! Beautiful Boy!"

Vocal Solo Unrestricted - How Beautiful Are The Feet The Messiah, Second Place 95%

from Rosemary Arthas: "Lovely face! Smile? What a lovely pure voice! Keep strong in breath and support. Good diction and musicality. Well done Alexander!"

Vocal Solo Sacred - Panis Angelicus, Second Place 95%

from Rosemary Arthas: "Smile Alexander, if you can-I know you're nervous! Such a lovely sweet voice-and the top notes pure and ringing. Support those lower notes as much as the high notes. Gorgeous voice. Good fellow!"

Below more videos but during the rehearsal on 30 May 2008 with accompanist for the Redlands Eisteddfod, Mr Peter Crane...

Amazing Grace

How Beautiful Are The Feet - The Messiah

Panis Angelicus

When You Wish Upon A Star