Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How We Survived the Term Break

Taylor                                         Matt           

Last summer, I happened to have a quick conversation with a stranger in a Kmart checkout, quoted 'that it’s far more expensive keeping kids at home than at school'. Put my breaks on and into a deep thought analyzing what just been said.

And then tonight I perused into a blog  and quote: ‘I probably didn't notice because I have all FIVE of my kids home ALL DAY LONG for Spring break. Two weeks. fourteen days. Lots and lots of hours. Not that I don't love my kids, lo...’

'Not that we don’t love our kids around us…' Over and over again, the same line as for everyone.

Right! How do we keep our kids away from boredom during their school break whether it is a week, 2 weeks, or summer? It is every parents predicament for whatever situation they’re in. There’s no race, color, marital status under this condition.

My 13-year-old son and 8-year-old son had been to the movies (Monster vs. Aliens) on their 2nd day of Term 1 break.  During the week, had a friend slept over and they went to the bowling alley and watched the movie ‘Paul Blatt’.  Playing the Xbox, laptop, bike ride, and watching DVDs at home wasn’t enough to keep them away from the number one killer of all time -  BOREDOM.


Camping in the Family Room, playing the XBox.

I managed to get my 13-year-old son to re-do his Maths contract in preparation for his upcoming exams in Term 2 while my 8-year-old son into reading his borrowed books from the school library and practice his multiplication. 

Some days, the three of us went for 1 1/2 walk to the forest and less than an hour in the oval (which hopefully can do it during school time.) Correction! My 13-year-old rode his bike in which my 8-year-old felt left out or more so felt incapable in riding his bike. Though he can...it's more of me scared of him going downhill. I can't help being over-protective because he's so prone to accidents when he was younger.  My 13-year-old been riding a 26' bike since he was 5 1/2 years old...in downhill... Unlike my 8-year-old, just confidently rode his bike over a year ago.

The second week of the term break brought my 13-year-old friend again for another sleep over. This time they were contented to stay at home playing on their school laptop, Xbox, played hide-and-seek, and watched DVD ‘Australia’. It was raining outside that hindered them to go for a bike ride.

But the deal before having the friend around was for my 13-year-old to vacuum the house and his bedroom, cook breakfast/dinner (he loves doing it) though hopeless in keeping the kitchen clean after use as you can see...

while my 8-year-old to clean up his bedroom.

Bottom line I suppose, as long as we’re there to keep them safe and happy, can’t ask for more. The Term break is coming to an end in 4 days time, and we all survived it.