I had to work on Alexander really hard to make him finally agree to join Australian Air Force Cadet (though been planting the seed since he was in Yr 4). A bit of the battle cause he claimed his friends get to say what they want to do and not to do. On top of that:
Alexander: "Mom, you're not exactly a perfect mother." A typical shock on my part.
I replied: "Okay, why?"
Alexander replied: "Well, you make me do things that I don't want to do. My friends get to say what want to do and not want to do."
I replied: "Were you exactly a doting son who follows everything without complains? Did you make it easy for me so I can fulfill the role of a perfect mother?."
I added on: "Fair enough, did it make you a lesser person for doing things you claim you don't like? Cause the rewards in the end as you know was all for your benefit: Autralian Youth Choir International Tours twice to Europe; Vienna Boys Choir for a whole school Term missed; McDonald's Youngstar Award Achiever; being able to swim 900km due to your Junior Squad Swim training; joined Nippers, Tennis, Basketball...by the way the trips especially were the things you liked to do."
Alexander: "Yeah, I did things I want to do...BUT.."
I said: "This is the only way I can help you for your future. Your father is not exactly fit and we're old already. Do you want to graduate without a job security? And, it will develop your character, personality, discipline, intitiativeness."
"However, in my case...I see him saying 'NO' to something he hasn't tried yet and not knowing well the pros/cons."I put him to AAFC basically for discipline, initiativeness, leadership, obedience/recognition of authority, and other aspects of personality development, ...the CAREER OPPORTUNITY was just an added bonus that I found out later on.
It is a very important stage that he gets through this AAFC until graduation to/after UNI and enjoying it.
Like any parent who only wish the best for thier children. As for me, this was the only way I envisage on helping him curve his future...the rest is up to him to whether to follow that path or not.And the rest is history....hoping to God Alexander will do the right thing.
As of now, can't say...it is still in the process of TRIALS...