Saturday, October 13, 2007

Alexander in AYC with KSB 2007

Though already in John Paul College Primary School Choir, Alexander joined the Australian Youth Choir in 2004 as Probationer – Level 1. He moved his ranks over the years and currently in Chamber Choir, for the first time this year 2007.

In 2005, he was in Training - Level 2 at the age of 9 years old and toured with the Australian Youth Choir in May for 3 weeks to Wales, Ireland and Wales. He rehearsed 1 hour every Thursday night in Carina being Level 2. However, in addition due to International Tour commitment he had to rehearse every Friday night for 1 hour and 30 minutes in KPUC with the Recital Choir and 3 hours every Saturday morning in Paddington. He learned so much and became responsible after the tour though homesick but enjoyed it so much.

In 2006, he was in Performing – Level 3 and formally a member of the Recital Choir. He rehearsed 1 hour and 30 minutes every Thursday night in Carina and every Friday night for 1 hour and a half in KPUC as a member of the Specialist Choir.

It was this same year that he performed with the Vienna Boys Choir when they came to Brisbane. That was the eye opening for his unbelievable keen interest with the Vienna Boys Choir. He was so greatly impressed with the excellent performance of the infamous chorister group. This was then the beginning of his dream and to achieve it eventually.

In 2007, he was in Chamber Choir which was the top level of the Australian Youth Choir and rehearsed every Friday night in KPUC for 3 hours. Again, he toured with the Australian Youth Choir in May for 3 weeks to Vienna, Prague, Dresden, Berlin, Amsterdam, and London. He rehearsed every Friday nights and rehearsed every Saturday mornings for 2 hours in Paddington for the Tour.

It was during this tour he auditioned and passed the Vienna Boys Choir. He went back to Vienna and joined them in July 2007 for a month in their music camp as part of the one month trial period. Hopefully, he can be recalled back to officially join them when the space becomes available for 2008-2009 season.

Before Alexander left for Vienna, the Keystone State Boychoir came to Australia to perform with the Australian Youth Choir. He billeted American boys his age which was very interesting experience.

Alexander with Kai Heen and Sam Pritchard of KSB

The Keystone State Boychoir is a singing group for young men ages 7 to 17, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, founded in 2001. They travelled performing to South Africa, Brazil, Canada and Alaska, Japan, and Southeast Asia and came to Australia in July 2007.

The Australian Youth Choir for the first time with the Keystone State Boychoir was a very an exciting event for both of the chorister groups. The performance from KSB was very entertaining and they were magnificent.

Alexander was definitely exposed to different style of performances and he learned from it like the rest.

AYC Chamber in Buderim 2007